Currently seeking a part-time shop assistant for Saturday shifts.
*This role will not lead to an apprenticeship.
Must be:
Opening and Closing Duties:
Open the shop at the beginning of the day, ensuring all stations are set up.
Close the shop at the end of the day, securing premises and equipment.
Shop Maintenance:
Perform general upkeep tasks such as cleaning floors, massage beds, countertops, and other surfaces.
Regularly sanitize common areas and high-touch surfaces.
Monitor and maintain cleanliness and organizational standards throughout the shop.
Client Management:
Greet and check-in clients as they arrive.
Assist clients with paperwork/ consent forms.
Answering phones and providing general customer service.
Inventory Management:
Monitor & document inventory levels of supplies.
Receive and organize incoming inventory shipments.
Support for Artists:
Prepare tattoo stations before each appointment, ensuring they are stocked with necessary supplies.
Assist artists during tattoo sessions as needed, such as fetching additional supplies or providing client comfort.
Break down tattoo stations after appointments and clean and sanitize stations for future use.
Open the shop at the beginning of the day, ensuring all stations are set up.
Close the shop at the end of the day, securing premises and equipment.
Shop Maintenance:
Perform general upkeep tasks such as cleaning floors, massage beds, countertops, and other surfaces.
Regularly sanitize common areas and high-touch surfaces.
Monitor and maintain cleanliness and organizational standards throughout the shop.
Client Management:
Greet and check-in clients as they arrive.
Assist clients with paperwork/ consent forms.
Answering phones and providing general customer service.
Inventory Management:
Monitor & document inventory levels of supplies.
Receive and organize incoming inventory shipments.
Support for Artists:
Prepare tattoo stations before each appointment, ensuring they are stocked with necessary supplies.
Assist artists during tattoo sessions as needed, such as fetching additional supplies or providing client comfort.
Break down tattoo stations after appointments and clean and sanitize stations for future use.
Please apply with the form directly below.
March 2020
*We will not be taking walk-ins for this month's Friday 13th. Please book in advance.
February 2020
Making Greta Thunberg Proud: Eco-Friendly Tattoo Talk
"Mother Earth is real, but she won't clean up your mess. This is where a vegan tattoo or eco-friendly tattoo can help."
Owner Dina DiCenso talks to Tattoodo about eco friendly tattooing.
"Mother Earth is real, but she won't clean up your mess. This is where a vegan tattoo or eco-friendly tattoo can help."
Owner Dina DiCenso talks to Tattoodo about eco friendly tattooing.
January 2019
"Tattoo artists share the most painful places to get tattooed from their own experience, and from the experiences of their clients."
Click to watch INKED MAGAZINE interview artists, including Gristle's own Fan and Dan.
Click to watch INKED MAGAZINE interview artists, including Gristle's own Fan and Dan.
Jamboree, June 17th
We will be tattooing at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary at their annual fundraiser.
We will be tattooing at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary at their annual fundraiser.
April 2017
April 27th, 12-8pm: Gristle Tattoo fundraiser for the animals-rights organization Mercy for Animals with farm-animals flash and 50% of all profit donated to the charity.
December 2016
December 6-11 Tattoos to benefit The Humane League. The Humane League works to reduce animal suffering through grassroots education to change eating habits and corporate campaigns to reform farm animal treatment. Flash will be posted on Instagram by the end of November.
October 2016

October 23-30:
Dana, our apprentice, will be doing $31 Halloween tattoos!
Flash designs will be posted soon.
Email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.

October 21, 7-10pm:
Grace Lang solo show "True Cuts"
September 2016

September 10th-13th
Ligia will be tattooing at The Convent in Philadelphia!!
Email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.
August 2016
Ligia and Kayla will be doing CATTOOS for a Bradford TnR (@bradford_tnr), a tiny little trap, neuter and release group in Brooklyn. Stay tuned for designs.
July 2016
Woodstock Farm Sanctuary Jamboree July 3rd 11am-4pm. We will be tattooing at the Woodstock Farm Sanctuary Jamboree. Designs to be released soon. 30% of tattoos done at the Jamboree will be donated to Woodstock Farm. Prices will be $150 or less.
Preview of flash by Ligia (final designs will be updated when available)
May 2016
Friday the 13th is coming up! We will be doing $130 Friday the 13th tattoos by appointment only. Designs will be released soon.
April 2016
April 28-May 1st: Tattoo fundraising event for Wolf Conservation Center. 50% of proceeds will be donated to this amazing organization.
February 2016

Feb 24-28th, 2016:
Ligia will be doing a tattoo fundraiser for
Skylands Animal Sanctuary and Rescue.
50% of funds raised will be donated.
December 2015

Dec 16-20th, 2015:
Tattoo fund raiser for our friends at BARC!
If you don't want a tattoo, donate to BARC through their website or adopt.
October 2015
October 26, 2015: Our article on nipple and areola tattoos was published in Oncology Nursing Forum! The article examines oncology care providers’ knowledge of tattooing options for patients who have elected to have breast reconstruction as part of their breast cancer treatment. We found there is a lack of knowledge in this area and suggest ways providers may provide their patients with the best care. Hint: it involves having professionals involved in every step of the health care process, including professional tattooers!
Gristle is proud to announce we have started offering nipple and areola tattoo services. We are happy to be able to help breast cancer survivors on their journey and enable them to feel whole again. The nipple tattoo, while a very small part of the breast cancer survivor’s journey, is an extremely important piece of the puzzle. A well done nipple tattoo can help the survivor regain their confidence. For more information email [email protected].
November 2014
September 2014
David J from Bauhaus will be playing a very intimate living room show. The set will include Bauhaus, Love and Rockets and solo material. Buy tickets here.
July 2013
Check us out in the vegan lifestyle magazine LAIKA. They interviewed us for an article on vegan tattoos and Franco did the script for the title page.
June 2013
We're excited to announce this year's silent art auction fundraiser will be for Wolf Conservation Center! WCC is located just outside NYC so if you've always wanted to sleep outdoors with the wolves, they can make your dream come true. The week of May 25th - June 1st we'll be doing wolf & wolf themed tattoos from a special flash sheet to be posted as the date gets closer. Then June 1st there will be a silent art auction from 6-10pm. From 6-7pm there will be a very special guest...ATKA THE AMBASSADOR WOLF!! And of course 100% of all proceeds go to WCC. One final way to help the wolves is to sign this petition on behalf of an endangered Mexican Gray Wolf recently shot by a Wildlife Services officer who is supposed to be protecting them:
Bid on art by Jeremy Hush, Heather Gargon, Kat Gun, Cory Benhatzel, Chris Conn Askew, John Reardon, Justin Hartman, Paul Romano, Amy Swartz, Dylan Smith, Fel Young, Kristin Goetz, Captain Baby, Cutetastrophe, Diego Fernandez, Rachell Black, Kristi Walls, Yao Xiao, Mike Attack, Vincent Galea, Carisa Swenson, and Michal Brodka.
If you want to donate artwork to the auction email [email protected]
Bid on art by Jeremy Hush, Heather Gargon, Kat Gun, Cory Benhatzel, Chris Conn Askew, John Reardon, Justin Hartman, Paul Romano, Amy Swartz, Dylan Smith, Fel Young, Kristin Goetz, Captain Baby, Cutetastrophe, Diego Fernandez, Rachell Black, Kristi Walls, Yao Xiao, Mike Attack, Vincent Galea, Carisa Swenson, and Michal Brodka.
If you want to donate artwork to the auction email [email protected]

Read all about our January tattoo artist art show, Muñecas, curated by Pia Phelps in the latest Tattoo Society Magazine.
March 2013

Empty Cages Collective Kitty & Bunny Adoption Event: March 2nd, 12-5pm.
100% of tattoo deposits made during the event are donated to ECC.
If you can't adopt, foster, volunteer or donate!
December 2012
Tuesday, December 18th: NYC 269 Solidarity Event
November 2012
Jeremy Hush's piece Rat Queen received a nice write up in Juxtapoz Magazine! Rat Queen is part of our Carnival of Terror art show. Stop by to see it!

Friday, Nov 9: Benefit for SI Feral Initiative's Survivor of Sandy (SoS) campaign.
The SoS campaign provides food, bedding, medical care and other necessities to all kinds of animal victims of Sandy.
Pieces range from $25-100 and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to SIFI.
October 2012

September 2012

Saturday Sept 22nd: Baked for BARC.
A bake sale to help our furry friends at BARC. If you are interested in donating baked goodies to the sale email [email protected] or call 347.889.6422. |
_July 2012

A nice article on the Art Fundraiser for Animal Farm Foundation by
_June 2012
Empty Cages Collective adoption event
Adoption event with Empty Cages Collective Sunday, April 15th, 1-5pm
_March 2012
Adoption event with BARC (Brooklyn Animal Rescue Coalition) March 24th, 12-4pm |

Gristle Tattoo will be hosting our annual P.INK Day on October 9th with resident artists Dan, Fan, & Ligia.
Personal Ink (, a program of Fuck Cancer, is dedicated to empowering women to reclaim their bodies after mastectomies. Through education and connection with experienced tattoo artists who can help, we are committed to ensuring that breast cancer never has to leave the last mark.
Every October tattoo studios across North America close their doors for a day to create free curated healing experiences for recipients who have had mastectomies and are seeking closure through coverage of their scars with beautiful artwork. All tattoos are donated by talented and trained tattoo artists who are experienced in tattooing over scar tissue successfully.
See this FAQ page for more details.
Gristle Tattoo will be hosting our annual P.INK Day on October 9th with resident artists Dan, Fan, & Ligia.
Personal Ink (, a program of Fuck Cancer, is dedicated to empowering women to reclaim their bodies after mastectomies. Through education and connection with experienced tattoo artists who can help, we are committed to ensuring that breast cancer never has to leave the last mark.
Every October tattoo studios across North America close their doors for a day to create free curated healing experiences for recipients who have had mastectomies and are seeking closure through coverage of their scars with beautiful artwork. All tattoos are donated by talented and trained tattoo artists who are experienced in tattooing over scar tissue successfully.
See this FAQ page for more details.
Mike Wohlberg is curating Black/Art: Album Art From the Extreme Metal Underground as part of the CBGB's music festival. The show even got a nice mention on Metal Injection.
October 2013
February 2018
Feb 9-11: Kalatu and Henbo will be tattooing at the Philly Tattoo Convention. Email [email protected] or [email protected].
March 2020
April 2017
September 10th-13th Ligia will be tattooing at The Convent in Philadelphia!! Email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.
April 2017
*We will not be taking walk-ins for this month's Friday 13th. Please book in advance.
February 2020
Making Greta Thunberg Proud: Eco-Friendly Tattoo Talk
"Mother Earth is real, but she won't clean up your mess. This is where a vegan tattoo or eco-friendly tattoo can help."
Owner Dina DiCenso talks to Tattoodo about eco friendly tattooing.
"Mother Earth is real, but she won't clean up your mess. This is where a vegan tattoo or eco-friendly tattoo can help."
Owner Dina DiCenso talks to Tattoodo about eco friendly tattooing.
January 2019
February 2015
We will be tattooing at the Philadelphia Tattoo Arts Convention February 13-15th.
"Tattoo artists share the most painful places to get tattooed from their own experience, and from the experiences of their clients."
Click to watch INKED MAGAZINE interview artists, including Gristle's own Fan and Dan.
Click to watch INKED MAGAZINE interview artists, including Gristle's own Fan and Dan.
Jamboree, June 17th
We will be tattooing at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary at their annual fundraiser.
We will be tattooing at Woodstock Farm Sanctuary at their annual fundraiser.
April 2017
April 18th, 6-9pm: Planned Parenthood and ACLU fundraiser art show. Curated by Amanda Stalter. Trump Won't Stop Us Mission: to create a great impact with imagery voicing our opinions and solidarity for our communities. Creating more than an art show but an art movement that is large enough to be displayed across the country in several galleries to be united for human rights and strength for the people. Shows will be going on all over the country simultaneously at Sally Centigrade, Thumbprint Gallery, and Muse Gallery.
April 2017
April 27th, 12-8pm: Gristle Tattoo fundraiser for the animals-rights organization Mercy for Animals with farm-animals flash and 50% of all profit donated to the charity.
June 15 7-10PM Oracle curated by Kat Gun. Featuring original artwork by Dilek Baykara, Michael Carbonaro, Sarah Louise Davey, Erick De La Vega, Heather Gargon, Curtis Harbits, Scott Holloway, Edith Lebeau, M.L.A., Paul Romano, Dylan Garrett Smith, and Vahge.
April 2013
Group art show: Metamorphosis: Liminal Beings & Legendary Creatures featuring original artwork by 100 taur , Allison Summers, Andrew Johnson-Lally, Aniela Sobieski, Aunia Kahn, Carisa Swenson, Chris Wednesday, Corine Perier, Cory Benhatzel, Dylan Smith, Eric Richardson, Erika Jane Mallette, Halsey Swain, Heather Gargon, Jeremy Hush, Kat Gun, Kristi Walls, Kristin Forbes-Mullane, Lara Scotton, Mark Elliott, Michal Brodka, Mike Wohlberg, Miykey, Peca, Paul Romano, Rachel Bridge, Ransom & Mitchell, Robert Bowen, Robert Kraiza, Rory Coyne, Selena Leardini, Susanne Apgar, VeksVanHillik, Zoë Williams and Fel Young.
Philias: Loved to Death group art show. February 23rd, 7-10pm. Featuring original artwork by Amanda Shames, Anthony Pedro, Buddy Nestor, Candace Jean, Caitlin Hackett, Cats, Cory Benhatzel, Dan Harding, Dilek Baykara, Dylan Smith, Drew Maillard, Heather Gargon, Jackie Gallagher, Jasmine Worth, Jeremy Cross, Joka, Julia Movchan, Kat Gun, Kristin Forbes Mullane, Mary J Sheridan, Michal Brodka, Mike Attack, Mike Olsen, Mike Smith, Mike Wohlberg, Rachel Bridge, Richard J Frost, Richard Meyer, Robert Kraiza and Zoe Williams.
April 2013
July 26-28 Franco will be tattooing at the Asbury Park Visionary Tattoo Arts Festival!
December 2016
December 6-11 Tattoos to benefit The Humane League. The Humane League works to reduce animal suffering through grassroots education to change eating habits and corporate campaigns to reform farm animal treatment. Flash will be posted on Instagram by the end of November.
October 2016

October 23-30:
Dana, our apprentice, will be doing $31 Halloween tattoos!
Flash designs will be posted soon.
Email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.
October 23-30: Dana, our apprentice, will be doing $31 Halloween tattoos! Flash designs will be posted soon. Email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.

October 21, 7-10pm:
Grace Lang solo show "True Cuts"
October 21, 7-10pm: Grace Lang solo show "True Cuts"
September 2016

September 10th-13th
Ligia will be tattooing at The Convent in Philadelphia!!
Email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.
September 10th-13th Ligia will be tattooing at The Convent in Philadelphia!! Email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.
August 2016
March 2016
March 19th: Dystopian Forest group art show opening. Piece shown by Jessica Pepper.
Ligia and Kayla will be doing CATTOOS for a Bradford TnR (@bradford_tnr), a tiny little trap, neuter and release group in Brooklyn. Stay tuned for designs.
July 2016
Woodstock Farm Sanctuary Jamboree July 3rd 11am-4pm. We will be tattooing at the Woodstock Farm Sanctuary Jamboree. Designs to be released soon. 30% of tattoos done at the Jamboree will be donated to Woodstock Farm. Prices will be $150 or less.
Brittany's Friday the 13th flash sheet is done! Louis' will be posted later this week. This time our guest artist Cheto will also be joining us! Cheto's flash will only be available for viewing at the event.
Preview of flash by Ligia (final designs will be updated when available)
Feb 12-14th, 2016: Philadelphia Tattoo Convention! Email [email protected] to schedule an appointment.
Group art show: Puss: Portraits by Brooklyn Artists. Artwork by Bea Bonnano, Chris D'Acunto, Maiko Fontando, Kyle Kirwan, Devon Melser, Sean O'Connor, Jason Palmieri, Allison Putnam, Kate Quintard, and Danielle Thillet. Curated by Kyle Kirwan.
It's also our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY party!
It's also our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY party!
May 2016
Friday the 13th is coming up! We will be doing $130 Friday the 13th tattoos by appointment only. Designs will be released soon.
April 2016
April 28-May 1st: Tattoo fundraising event for Wolf Conservation Center. 50% of proceeds will be donated to this amazing organization.
October 1st through 7th, we will be doing these RATTOOS (all designs $125 each) to support the rescue efforts of HALT ( Since July, HALT has been working tirelessly to rescue hundreds of domesticated rats released on the West Side Highway. To date, over 150 have been rescued but there are still some out there. If you've ever wanted a pet rat, contact HALT to adopt. If you can't have a pet but love rats, get a rattoo! 50% of all proceeds will be donated to HALT.
April 2015
April 25th, 7-10 pm. Cimmerian group art show.
January 2015
January 30th, 7-10pm
Creating the Illusion: Psychic Echoes curated by John O'Hara. Featuring original artwork by Anka Lost, Bill Crisafi, Andrew Guenther, Amy Wenzel, Leah Koransky, Anka Lavriv, Savannah King, Matt Grant, Miriam Nouri, Landon Morgan, Dominic Musa, John O'Hara, Caroline Paquita, Justin James King, Thom Cowan, Sugar Mountain. Musical performance by Courtship Ritual.
Creating the Illusion: Psychic Echoes curated by John O'Hara. Featuring original artwork by Anka Lost, Bill Crisafi, Andrew Guenther, Amy Wenzel, Leah Koransky, Anka Lavriv, Savannah King, Matt Grant, Miriam Nouri, Landon Morgan, Dominic Musa, John O'Hara, Caroline Paquita, Justin James King, Thom Cowan, Sugar Mountain. Musical performance by Courtship Ritual.
February 2016

Feb 24-28th, 2016:
Ligia will be doing a tattoo fundraiser for
Skylands Animal Sanctuary and Rescue.
50% of funds raised will be donated.
Feb 24-28th, 2016: Ligia will be doing a tattoo fundraiser for Skylands Animal Sanctuary and Rescue. 50% of funds raised will be donated.
2nd Annual Tattoo Artist Art Show: Muñeca. Curated by Pia Phelps. Saturday January 26th, 7-11pm.
Group art show: Villains & Superheroes
December 2015
Empty Cages Collective adoption event that was originally scheduled for August 11th has been postponed. ECC had a lot of their volunteers leave recently and, consequently, do not have enough volunteers to run an adoption event at this time. If you've been considering volunteering at any pet adoption organization, now would be a great time to contact ECC. We'll post a new date for the event soon.
Dec 16-20th, 2015:
Tattoo fund raiser for our friends at BARC!
If you don't want a tattoo, donate to BARC through their website or adopt.
Tattoo fund raiser for our friends at BARC!
If you don't want a tattoo, donate to BARC through their website or adopt.

Dec 16-20th, 2015:
Tattoo fund raiser for our friends at BARC!
If you don't want a tattoo, donate to BARC through their website or adopt.
Group art show April 26th, 7-10pm: Alloy
_May 2012
_April 2012
Nate Wilcox solo show
September 2013
October 2015
We'll be tattooing at Pittsburgh's Steel City Tattoo Convention September 13-15th. To schedule an appointment call or email the shop.
October 26, 2015: Our article on nipple and areola tattoos was published in Oncology Nursing Forum! The article examines oncology care providers’ knowledge of tattooing options for patients who have elected to have breast reconstruction as part of their breast cancer treatment. We found there is a lack of knowledge in this area and suggest ways providers may provide their patients with the best care. Hint: it involves having professionals involved in every step of the health care process, including professional tattooers!
Group art show: Faux Fairy Tales
Gristle is proud to announce we have started offering nipple and areola tattoo services. We are happy to be able to help breast cancer survivors on their journey and enable them to feel whole again. The nipple tattoo, while a very small part of the breast cancer survivor’s journey, is an extremely important piece of the puzzle. A well done nipple tattoo can help the survivor regain their confidence. For more information email [email protected].
August 2013
Brittany was interviewed by for an article on tattoo redoes.
Saturday, Oct 27: Group art show: Carnival of Terror
October 24-31: $31 Halloween special as well as some specially priced larger pieces ranging from $50-250. Walk-ins only.
Brittany's Halloween flash sheet
November 2014
Mike's Halloween flash sheet
Friday, Oct 12: Draft^2: A drink & draw event. 7-10pm.
September 2014
February 2013
We'll be at the Philadelphia Tattoo Convention February 8th-10th. To schedule an appointment call or email the shop.
Vegansaurus gave us a mention when they picked up the Atlantic article.
October 20, 2011 Group art show featuring Jeremy Hush, Laurel Hausler, Alex McWatt, Diego Fernandez, Julia Movchan and Ashley Thomas.
Saturday Sept 8th: Draft^2: A Drink & Draw Event, the BRUNCH EDITION.
January 2013
July 2013
Check us out in the vegan lifestyle magazine LAIKA. They interviewed us for an article on vegan tattoos and Franco did the script for the title page.
October 1, 2011 BARC Adoption Event + "Pup"-Up Shop fund raiser. Local vendors participating will donate a percent of their sales to BARC.
Sept 15, 2011 Grand opening party and art reception for cute{tastrophe}. DJ Luxxe Life will be spinning Brazilian funk. There will be free snacks, wine and beer!
August 2012
June 2013
Draft^2, a drink & draw event. Draw a live model while enjoying beer and snacks on our outside patio. Mr Josh Bayer will be providing drawing instruction and guidance.
We're excited to announce this year's silent art auction fundraiser will be for Wolf Conservation Center! WCC is located just outside NYC so if you've always wanted to sleep outdoors with the wolves, they can make your dream come true. The week of May 25th - June 1st we'll be doing wolf & wolf themed tattoos from a special flash sheet to be posted as the date gets closer. Then June 1st there will be a silent art auction from 6-10pm. From 6-7pm there will be a very special guest...ATKA THE AMBASSADOR WOLF!! And of course 100% of all proceeds go to WCC. One final way to help the wolves is to sign this petition on behalf of an endangered Mexican Gray Wolf recently shot by a Wildlife Services officer who is supposed to be protecting them:
Bid on art by Jeremy Hush, Heather Gargon, Kat Gun, Cory Benhatzel, Chris Conn Askew, John Reardon, Justin Hartman, Paul Romano, Amy Swartz, Dylan Smith, Fel Young, Kristin Goetz, Captain Baby, Cutetastrophe, Diego Fernandez, Rachell Black, Kristi Walls, Yao Xiao, Mike Attack, Vincent Galea, Carisa Swenson, and Michal Brodka.
If you want to donate artwork to the auction email [email protected]
Bid on art by Jeremy Hush, Heather Gargon, Kat Gun, Cory Benhatzel, Chris Conn Askew, John Reardon, Justin Hartman, Paul Romano, Amy Swartz, Dylan Smith, Fel Young, Kristin Goetz, Captain Baby, Cutetastrophe, Diego Fernandez, Rachell Black, Kristi Walls, Yao Xiao, Mike Attack, Vincent Galea, Carisa Swenson, and Michal Brodka.
If you want to donate artwork to the auction email [email protected]
Read all about our January tattoo artist art show, Muñecas, curated by Pia Phelps in the latest Tattoo Society Magazine.

Read all about our January tattoo artist art show, Muñecas, curated by Pia Phelps in the latest Tattoo Society Magazine.
Brittany will be tattooing at the Visionary Tattoo Arts Festival Asbury Park, NJ. Call the shop or 347.889.6642 or email [email protected] to make an appointment.
A nice mention on about our Friday the 13th special!
January 2012
March 2013

Empty Cages Collective Kitty & Bunny Adoption Event: March 2nd, 12-5pm.
100% of tattoo deposits made during the event are donated to ECC.
If you can't adopt, foster, volunteer or donate!
Empty Cages Collective Kitty & Bunny Adoption Event: March 2nd, 12-5pm. 100% of tattoo deposits made during the event are donated to ECC. If you can't adopt, foster, volunteer or donate!
Brittany's temporary tattoo artwork was used in the Korean boy band Big Bang's video. Look for knuckle and arm "tattoos".
December 2012
December 2012
Tuesday, December 18th: NYC 269 Solidarity Event
November 2012
Jeremy Hush's piece Rat Queen received a nice write up in Juxtapoz Magazine! Rat Queen is part of our Carnival of Terror art show. Stop by to see it!

Friday, Nov 9: Benefit for SI Feral Initiative's Survivor of Sandy (SoS) campaign.
The SoS campaign provides food, bedding, medical care and other necessities to all kinds of animal victims of Sandy.
Pieces range from $25-100 and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to SIFI.
Friday, Nov 9: Benefit for SI Feral Initiative's Survivor of Sandy (SoS) campaign. The SoS campaign provides food, bedding, medical care and other necessities to all kinds of animal victims of Sandy. Pieces range from $25-100 and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to SIFI.
Friday, Nov 9: Benefit for SI Feral Initiative's Survivor of Sandy (SoS) campaign. The SoS campaign provides food, bedding, medical care and other necessities to all kinds of animal victims of Sandy. Pieces range from $25-100 and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to SIFI.
October 2012
October 2012

September 2012
September 2012

_July 2012

A nice article on the Art Fundraiser for Animal Farm Foundation by
_June 2012
_March 2012